Building new culture in clinical research

Innovation and Integrity in clinical research

Frontiers of therapy and the strength of evidence

Independent research and drug R&D

Clinical methodology and new health technology


The Fondazione Aldo Torsoli was named after Aldo Torsoli MD, for long decades a highly respected and inspiring member of the international academic medical community.

To preserve Aldo Torsoli’s vision and seminal teaching, the Foundation operates in the field of methodology and ethics in clinical research.

The Foundation promotes development and dissemination of new knowledge, principles and methods in generating the scientific evidence needed to clinical decisions, health policy and progress in patients’ care.

Aldo Torsoli Foundation and the EUPATI Expert Patient Academy announce a new cycle of online seminars developed with the aim of exploring new frontiers in Clinical Research.

The first meeting is scheduled for May 30, 2024, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on the topic:

“Clinical trials on biological samples: a model of participatory research and co-production of knowledge”

Rome Foundation – Aldo Torsoli Foundation Research Award 2022

We are pleased to announce a joint award from Rome Foundation with the Aldo Torsoli Foundation in the area of Functional GI Disorders. Candidates must hold an MD or PhD and have an academic record of research, education, and patient care in the area of Disorders of the Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI, formerly FGID).

Joint Rome Foundation – Fondazione Aldo Torsoli Award.

This is a joint initiative for a prize to scientific leaders in the field of functional gastrointestinal disorders

Programma “fAT21-22”

This is an educational project aimed at education and dissemination of new knowledge on integrity and innovation in clinical research.


Maura Corsetti, MD PhD
Maura Corsetti graduated in Medicine and obtained her Specialisation (2000) and PhD (2004) at the University of Milan, Italy.
During her PhD, she worked for two years (2001- 2002) as a research fellow at the Gastrointestinal Motility and Sensitivity Research Group of the Translational Research Centre for Gastrointestinal Disorders (TARGID) at the University of Leuven, Belgium, acquiring expertise in the study of gastrointestinal motility and sensitivity in functional bowel disorders.
For eight years (2004-2012), she was a clinical reference consultant for functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorders at the San Raffaele University Hospital in Milan. This was a clinical assignment with no specific time frame for research.

For this reason, she decided to return to TARGID in 2012 where she worked for four years as Senior Research Supervisor in charge of the development of high-resolution colonic manometry. She is one of two world experts in this technique.

In April 2016 Maura was appointed Associate Professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Nottingham where she leads the Functional Gastroenterology Clinic, the Gastrointestinal Motility Unit and has 5 PAs dedicated to academic work.

Maura is an internationally recognised expert in functional gastrointestinal disorders and, in particular, the study of gastrointestinal motility, as evidenced by her role as Editor-in-Chief of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, the official journal of the European (ESNM) and American Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, as secretary of the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) Neurogastroenterology and Motility Committee and as a member of the BSG Food and Function Committees, as ESNM representative to the United European Gastroenterology Scientific Committee, as co-chair of the UEG postgraduate course and co- chair of the Bowel Disorders Committee of the Roma V Foundation.